Congress stalls on Me Too legislation
The gains of the Me Too movement have stalled in Congress as it tries to regulate its own workplace. Read more here:
The gains of the Me Too movement have stalled in Congress as it tries to regulate its own workplace. Read more here:
After watching Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday, Women Lawyers On Guard Action Network’s Board felt compelled to deliver yet a third letter to all U. S. Senators.
WLGAN’s first letter outlined the substantive positions that Judge Kavanaugh has taken in the past that we believe signal a judicial view that will very likely adversely impact women. The second letter called upon the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold a full and non-partisan hearing regarding Professor Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations.
The third letter (link HERE) points out to the Senate that Brett Kavanuagh’s demeanor and responses at the Senate Judiciary Hearing (which is still not the full investigation of the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh that we called for) indicates a grave lack of judicial temperament especially for a position on the Supreme Court.
The Senate vote is scheduled for Friday, October 5. We urge you to express your opinion to your Senators and, if you are in DC on Thursday, October, 4th, to attend a rally at 12:30 PM at the Barrett Prettyman Courthouse- 333 Constitution Ave, NW.
Thank you!
A former rape crisis counselor draws on her experience and offers urgent advice to the Senate deliberating on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court: do not brush aside the testimony of sexual assault survivors. Read more here:
In an insightful op-ed, Ally Coll Steele, President of The Purple Campaign, a non-profit dedicated to eradicating sexual harassment, points out that Senator Grassley must accord Dr. Ford (and any person who has accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault) of the same procedures he advocated for in the bill he introduced in the Senate to address sexual harassment. Read more here:
A contemporary of Brett Kavanaugh’s, the essayist explains the culture of rape in the 1980s and what led her to stay silent as a young woman and what happened when she finally spoke up decades later. Read the essay here:
Monica Hesse, a columnist with the Washington Post, challenges everyone to think deeply about the lesson of the #MeToo movement: believe women. Read her piece here: