Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network (WLGAN) is galvanized at the historic selection of Senator Kamala Harris for Vice President!  Her selection is inspiring and a profoundly important milestone for all women, and especially women of color.  Senator Harris  will help unite and lead our country through these unprecedented times.

Kamala Harris was elected to the U.S. Senate from California in 2017.  She is the second African American women and first South Asian American to serve in the U.S. Senate.  She is a graduate of Howard University and the University of California Hastings College of Law and began her legal career as a district attorney and later the City Attorney of San Francisco. She was elected the Attorney General of California in 2010.  [See a summary of her impressive life and career HERE]

WLGAN joins with sister national organizations – National Women’s Law Center, Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, National Partnership for Women and Families, Supermajority, and TimesUp – in support of  Senator Harris, and particularly to challenge the media (and all of us) to avoid the destructive stereotypes about women and people of color as they (and we) talk about her candidacy.  HERE is a Washington Post article warning us to be ready for online misogyny.  And HERE is a powerful letter from these six women’s organizations addressed to the media, calling on them to be mindful of these stereotypes and expecting to see better from the press.

As you talk about Senator Kamala Harris with your family, friends and colleagues, remember that WE HAVE HER BACK!  And we hope you will as well.