It’s Not Going in the Right Direction

It’s Not Going in the Right Direction

The situation for federal employees is not improving, to say the least. And many of you have profound concerns and questions.  Here is WLGAN’s 6th attempt to assist with information.

Resources and Guides for Federal Employees and Others

Please also see previous resource postings on our website at “Our Issues” page:

Please forward to your networks (most links above are spelled out so they “translate” to social media posts.)
And don’t hesitate to send us additional resources that you hear about.


Under Siege:  Resources for Federal Employees and Volunteers

Under Siege: Resources for Federal Employees and Volunteers

Federal District Court Judge George O’Toole held a hearing this afternoon in Boston on the so called “Fork in the Road” deferred resignation proposal.  He will now consider whether he should bar the administration from carrying out this plan. There have been and will be many other illegal incursions on our government and its employees. We cannot be passive; we must take action.  So, this is our 5th email with additional resources for federal employees and also volunteer actions you can take –whether you are a lawyer or not.


Resources and Guides for Federal Employees and Others

Volunteer Opportunities- Lawyer and Some Non-lawyer

Tracking Litigation and Anti-Democracy Actions

Please forward to your networks.  Thank You

Cory Amron, President

Under Siege:  Resources for Federal Employees and Volunteers

Dec 6 is a “Fork in the Road”: More Resources for Federal Employees

We have consistently pledged not to crowd your inbox with multiple emails.  But there is an urgent deadline tomorrow, Feb 6, for federal employees. So, this is our 4th email with additional resources for federal employees and volunteer actions you can take if you are not a federal employee.


Resources cautioning about the “Fork in the Road” Deferred Resignation “Offer”

Resources for federal employees in general

Assistance specifically for DOJ/FBI employees

Volunteer and “Take Action” Opportunities

And please send us other resources and volunteer opportunities that come to your attention.

Thank You

Cory Amron, President

Under Siege:  Resources for Federal Employees and Volunteers

Important Resources for Federal Employees and Volunteers

As we navigate this unprecedented time, this is WLG’s 3rd email with resources for federal employees and also opportunities for all of us to volunteer and take action to support democracy.

Time Sensitive Resources: 

  • Webinars from National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association.  NARFE is a nonprofit association that represents current and retired federal employees. They are hosting webinars to help federal employees understand the current climate and provide benefits advice:  Monday, February 3rd; 2PM ET Stay or Go” Considering the “Deferred Resignation” Offer, Retirement Options, and Potential Options.
  • Town Hall: U.S. Representative Don Beyer focusing on federal civil servant employees: Monday, February 3rd; 6-7 PM ET; Dial-in Number: 833-998-0892

On Going Resources:

Volunteer and “Take Action” Opportunities

And please send us other resources and volunteer opportunities that come to your attention.

Thank You

Cory Amron, President

Under Siege:  Resources for Federal Employees and Volunteers

Democracy Protection Including Federal Employees

Dear Women  Lawyers On Guard,

Did you know that only 15% of federal employees work in the DC area?  Now that they and our democracy are under attack, do you need help navigating ways to help them, yourselves, or to protect and strengthen democracy itself?

Following up our Dec 16th email, here are some additional resources.  The first two are specifically focused on federal employees, the others are about how you can help strengthen democracy through your own small (or large) measures, by volunteering or just taking individual action.

Resources and Guides for Civil Servants

Other Resources for Protecting and Strengthening Democracy

Please forward this to your networks.

Cory Amron, President

Photo by Isabella Fischer, Unsplash

President Biden AFFIRMS the ERA!

President Biden AFFIRMS the ERA!

We are ecstatic about President Biden’s actions today!

As you know, WLGAN and the National Association of Women Lawyers sent a letter to President Biden asking him to take action to finally make the Equal Rights Amendment officially recognized as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.   Here’s his pronouncement today that “the 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law, regardless of their sex.”

And here’s the link to the joint letter from WLGAN and the National Association of Women Lawyers, we sent urging him to take action while he still had this opportunity.

While we recognize that ultimately this issue will be decided by the courts, it is far better to be fighting from a position of strength.

So, Thank You President Biden for your support for all Americans regardless of their sex!

Corrine Parver
Cory Amron
Lorelie Masters
Elaine Metlin