WLG joins Amicus Brief in Jane Roe v United States et al, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals

WLG joins Amicus Brief in Jane Roe v United States et al, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals

Women Lawyers on Guard joins Amicus Brief Submitted to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in in Jane Roe v United States et al

April 27, 2022

Women Lawyers On Guard is delighted to share the opinion in the case of Jane Roe (now Strickland) v United States et al  in which WLG joined an amicus brief led by The Purple Campaign,  a non-profit dedicated to eradicating sexual harassment.  In the decision, the 4th Circuit recognized, for the first time, a Constitutional right of federal judiciary employees to work in an environment free from sexual harassment.  Despite the historic nature of this ruling, the Court’s opinion highlights the continuing need for legislative and policy reform to protect federal judicial employees.  We note, for instance, that certain defendants were immune to these claims, and that certain remedies, such as back pay, are unavailable under existing law.  Not unless Congress enacts the Judiciary Accountability Act, will federal judiciary employees have the same rights and remedies available to private sector employees under Title VII.

You can read the entire opinion here

    Women Lawyers On Guard Inc.

    Women Lawyers On Guard Inc. (WLG) is a national, non-profit organization that seeks to harness the power of lawyers and the law to preserve, protect, and defend the democratic values of equality, justice, and opportunity for all.  WLG focuses on securing the equal treatment of women by challenging laws and practices that discriminate against women, including gender-based violence and harassment and attempts to curtail women’s reproductive rights. 


    WLG joins Amicus Brief Submitted on Behalf of Singer-Songwriter Kesha

    WLG joins Amicus Brief Submitted on Behalf of Singer-Songwriter Kesha

    Women Lawyers on Guard joins Amicus Brief on behalf of singer-songwriter Kesha

    April 22, 2022

    WLG joined an amicus brief on behalf of the singer-songwriter “Kesha” who has been sued for defamation by Dr. Luke, her former producer, who sexually abused her in 2005 when she was 18 years old.  Defamation has become a heinous weapon used by abusers against those they have targeted.  Here’s the brief:

    You can read the entire brief here.

      Women Lawyers On Guard Inc.

      Women Lawyers On Guard Inc. (WLG) is a national, non-profit organization that seeks to harness the power of lawyers and the law to preserve, protect, and defend the democratic values of equality, justice, and opportunity for all.  WLG focuses on securing the equal treatment of women by challenging laws and practices that discriminate against women, including gender-based violence and harassment and attempts to curtail women’s reproductive rights. 


      WLG joins Amicus Brief in Brown v. Arizona, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

      WLG joins Amicus Brief in Brown v. Arizona, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

      Women Lawyers on Guard joins Amicus Brief Submitted to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Brown v. Arizona

      April 4, 2022

      Women Lawyers on Guard joined the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) and 30 other advocacy organizations in filing an amicus brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Brown v. Arizona on Monday, April 4. A short summary is available here, as well as a blog here. 


      Under Title IX schools should not be allowed to ignore sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating abuse, and other violence, just because it occurs off-campus.  A very high number of sexual harassment against college students occurs off-campus, and its impact can be significant and harmful on a survivor’s access to education regardless of where they were assaulted. 


      For more info and/or if you’re interested in sharing the brief, please follow the links below: 


      Blog: https://nwlc.org/nwlc-files-amicus-brief-supporting-university-of-arizona-student-survivor-of-sex-based-violence/ 

      Brief: https://nwlc.org/resource/nwlc-leads-amicus-brief-supporting-off-campus-student-survivors/ 


        Women Lawyers On Guard Inc.

        Women Lawyers On Guard Inc. (WLG) is a national, non-profit organization that seeks to harness the power of lawyers and the law to preserve, protect, and defend the democratic values of equality, justice, and opportunity for all.  WLG focuses on securing the equal treatment of women by challenging laws and practices that discriminate against women, including gender-based violence and harassment and attempts to curtail women’s reproductive rights. 


        Celebrate Justice Jackson!

        The day we have been waiting for is finally here! Come recognize this momentous occasion: Judge Jackson becoming Justice Jackson!

        Here are some celebratory events-Friday and Saturday-join the party!

        Friday, April 8, 4 PM gather outside the Supreme Court 🎉


        Saturday, April 9, 12-4 PM for an unveiling of a mural of Justice Jackson and a block party to celebrate:

        14th and S Streets, NW in D.C.

        Hope to see you there-it’s time to celebrate!

        Forced Arbitration – Sexual Harassment and Assault

        Finally, some good news in the fight against sexual harassment and assault.

        The Senate (and previously, the House) have passed the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act with bipartisan votes.  The bill was introduced in the Senate 5 years ago by Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand and Sen. Lindsey Graham and will move on to President Biden who has indicated that he will sign it.

        No longer will victims be forced to bring their grievances to arbitration, freeing them to go to court if they choose. We also owe a tremendous debt to Gretchen Carlson for this legislation.

        We note, however, that forced Non-Disclosure Agreements are not addressed in this legislation.

        We also note that Women Lawyers On Guard’s nationwide survey of sexual harassment in the legal profession, Still Broken, determined that 86% of sexual harassment incidents are not even reported.

        Read more in these articles:  NPR or Washington Post.