by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Oct 4, 2018 | Issues
After watching Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday, Women Lawyers On Guard Action Network’s Board felt compelled to deliver yet a third letter to all U. S. Senators.
WLGAN’s first letter outlined the substantive positions that Judge Kavanaugh has taken in the past that we believe signal a judicial view that will very likely adversely impact women. The second letter called upon the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold a full and non-partisan hearing regarding Professor Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations.
The third letter (link HERE) points out to the Senate that Brett Kavanuagh’s demeanor and responses at the Senate Judiciary Hearing (which is still not the full investigation of the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh that we called for) indicates a grave lack of judicial temperament especially for a position on the Supreme Court.
The Senate vote is scheduled for Friday, October 5. We urge you to express your opinion to your Senators and, if you are in DC on Thursday, October, 4th, to attend a rally at 12:30 PM at the Barrett Prettyman Courthouse- 333 Constitution Ave, NW.
Thank you!
by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Apr 22, 2018 | Issues
The WLG Action Network found this analysis by the New Yorker of female candidates running in 2018 midterm elections to be fascinating, and wanted to highlight it for our members!
by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Mar 14, 2018 | Issues
Come march with Women Lawyers On Guard Action Network (WLG) in Washington, DC at the March For Our Lives on Saturday, March 24 being led by the students from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school to protest the lack of gun laws to protect students and citizens from mass shootings.
WLG will be assembling in front (i.e. outside the front door) of the Hyatt Regency Hotel (Capital Hill) at 400 New Jersey Ave, NW at 10:30 AM. and marching together. Look for our purple banner. Let us know if you are joining us and we will have a sandwich for you for lunch! (RSVP to [email protected])
The closest Metro station is Union Station on the Red line.
See you on March 24!
by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Feb 28, 2018 | Issues
Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network,
As you may be aware, students from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school and others are organizing a March For Our Lives on Saturday, March 24, 2018 in Washington, DC and across the nation to protest the lack of gun laws to protect students and citizens from mass shootings. Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network will be assembling that day in DC (at a place and time to be determined) and marching together.
Do you know who Marjory Stoneman Douglas was? While not a lawyer, she graduated from Wellesley College in 1912, was an amazing activist, journalist, suffragist, and environmentalist, and has been credited with saving the Everglades from destruction! She would have been proud of the students attending her namesake school. Here’s a LINK to an article about her.
See you on March 24th .
by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Jan 26, 2018 | Issues
The Women’s Bar Association of DC’s new Women in Politics Committee is presenting “How to Become Politically Engaged,” a learning opportunity for women lawyers who wish to have an impact on social and political issues in today’s tumultuous world. A variety of activist organizations (including Women Lawyers On Guard Action Network, Inc.) will send representatives to discuss the most effective actions for purposes of maximum impact. Panelists will discuss the most pressing issues and current activities.
February 6, 2018, 6:00-8:00 pm
Maria Urbina, Political Director, Indivisible
Julie Copeland, Executive Director, Emerge Virginia
Michelle Kallen, Director, Women Lawyers on Guard
Mary Bell, Mid-Atlantic Director, EMILY’s List
Registration is available at<>
Women Lawyers On Guard hopes to see you there!