A new era for the ERA: Conference

Women Lawyers On Guard Action Network Inc. is co-sponsoring a conference on the Equal Rights Amendment in Richmond, VA, on Saturday, October 26, 2019. At that conference, we will be presenting a panel on Gender Pay Equity, including: some shocking statistics on the gender pay gap, legislative and litigation addressing the gap, how the ERA might help close the gap (or not), and some practical ways that legal employers can address this problem. Registration link is HERE (scroll toward bottom). The tickets are only $65 for lawyers, $10 for students and $20 for lawyers practicing five years or less. Abigail Spanberger, Ellie Smeal and other notables will be speaking at the conference.

WLGAN Advocates For the ERA

On April 30th, a House Judiciary Subcommittee held hearings on the Equal Rights Amendment for the first time in 36 years. Wasting no time, Women Lawyers On Guard Action Network delivered a letter to the committee addressing three issues with detailed and persuasive legal arguments. We argued, for example, that the deadline does not preclude ratification now, and that the Amendment is still very necessary. Letter here.

Many thanks to the WLGAN network volunteers who assisted in this effort.

WaPo editorial supports new Me Too law for Congress

Congress finally passed a bipartisan bill to improve the procedure for addressing sexual harassment claims.  (House and Senate members will have to reimburse the Treasury for all future payments to settle sexual harassment claims ,and accusers will no longer be bound by mandatory confidentiality agreements.)  But WLG agrees with this Washington Post editorial that more needs to be done, including a procedure for Congress to address gender discrimination within their own ranks.  Read more here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/congresss-new-sexual-harassment-law-is-a-major-step-in-the-right-direction/2018/12/30/7f58baec-ffcd-11e8-83c0-b06139e540e5_story.html?utm_term=.bf0604d0175d

WLGAN Delivers Third Letter re: Kavanaugh to Senate

After watching Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday, Women Lawyers On Guard Action Network’s Board felt compelled to deliver yet a third letter to all U. S. Senators.

WLGAN’s first letter outlined the substantive positions that Judge Kavanaugh has taken in the past that we believe signal a judicial view that will very likely adversely impact women.  The second letter called upon the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold a full and non-partisan hearing regarding Professor Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations.

The third letter (link HERE) points out to the Senate that Brett Kavanuagh’s demeanor and responses at the Senate Judiciary Hearing (which is still not the full investigation of the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh that we called for) indicates a grave lack of  judicial temperament especially for a position on the Supreme Court.

The Senate vote is scheduled for Friday, October 5.  We urge you to express your opinion to your Senators and, if you are in DC on Thursday, October, 4th, to attend a rally at 12:30 PM at the Barrett Prettyman Courthouse- 333 Constitution Ave, NW.

Thank you!

New Yorker piece analyzes wave of female midterm candidates

The WLG Action Network found this analysis by the New Yorker of female candidates running in 2018 midterm elections to be fascinating, and wanted to highlight it for our members!
