by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Feb 19, 2025 | Issues, Women's Rights
The situation for federal employees is not improving, to say the least. And many of you have profound concerns and questions. Here is WLGAN’s 6th attempt to assist with information.
Resources and Guides for Federal Employees and Others
- Town Hall hosted by Democracy Forward (DF) – Thursday, Feb 20 Live on YouTube 9PM ET; 6PM PT (DF has filed numerous lawsuits, the most recent is a class action complaint with the Office of Special Counsel on behalf of fired probationary employees across 9 agencies): HERE’s a link to the YouTube (Google if the embedded link has disappeared)
- Very thorough compilation of resources including information we have provided previously, and links to: Reddit forum to share experiences, attorney contacts, info about protection from doxxing, contacts to reporters, job search resources, and more. (Please note, this is not WLGAN’s compilation, and it is not legal advice)
- “Federal Employee Rights: What Probationary Employees Need to Know” Just Security’s FAQ;
- “Probationary Employees Have Rights” Kalajari, Chuzi & Newman
- The Federal Workers Rights blog maintained by the law firm James & Hoffman.
- Senator Tim Kaine’s resources page for federal workers includes a statement that is worth a read.
Please also see previous resource postings on our website at “Our Issues” page:
Please forward to your networks (most links above are spelled out so they “translate” to social media posts.)
And don’t hesitate to send us additional resources that you hear about.
by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Jan 17, 2025 | Issues, Women's Rights
We are ecstatic about President Biden’s actions today!
As you know, WLGAN and the National Association of Women Lawyers sent a letter to President Biden asking him to take action to finally make the Equal Rights Amendment officially recognized as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Here’s his pronouncement today that “the 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law, regardless of their sex.”
And here’s the link to the joint letter from WLGAN and the National Association of Women Lawyers, we sent urging him to take action while he still had this opportunity.
While we recognize that ultimately this issue will be decided by the courts, it is far better to be fighting from a position of strength.
So, Thank You President Biden for your support for all Americans regardless of their sex!
Corrine Parver
Cory Amron
Lorelie Masters
Elaine Metlin
by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Jan 10, 2025 | Democracy, Issues, Women's Rights
Dear Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network,
Saturday, Jan 18 10 AM – we will be at the “People’s March” in DC – come join us
BUT IF YOU WILL NOT BE IN DC, here is a link to other locations where you can participate as well: Women’s March
Please let us know if you will join us in DC (we will send you a location and time to meet) and do please pass this on to your networks.
We sometimes march for different reasons, but as a continuation of the Women’s Marches begun in 2017, this is a “peoples march” to defend our rights and our future. Here’s how the organizers describe it:
“If you believe that decisions about your body should remain yours, that books belong in libraries, not on bonfires, that healthcare is a right, not a privilege for the wealthy; if you believe in the power of free speech and protest to sustain democracy; or if you want an economy that works for the people who power it—then join us in DC for this march.”
Supporting organizations include National Women’s Law Center; National Organization for Women, Center for Constitutional Rights, Planned Parenthood, Ultraviolet, and many others.
Last week I saw the Broadway musical “Suffs”. You may recall that some Suffragists, led by Alice Paul, chained themselves to the White House fence, were arrested, went on a hunger strike and were force fed by the prison guards. We are not asking you do to anything like this!
But please let us know if you will join us in this rally! (Appropriate privacy measures will be taken.)
by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Jan 4, 2025 | Democracy, Issues, Women's Rights
Dear Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network,
Saturday, Jan 18 10 AM – we will be at the “People’s March” in DC – come join us.
We sometimes march for different reasons, but as a continuation of the Women’s Marches begun in 2017, this is a “peoples march” to defend our rights and our future. Here’s how the organizers describe it:
“If you believe that decisions about your body should remain yours, that books belong in libraries, not on bonfires, that healthcare is a right, not a privilege for the wealthy; if you believe in the power of free speech and protest to sustain democracy; or if you want an economy that works for the people who power it—then join us in DC for this march.”
Supporting organizations include National Women’s Law Center; National Organization for Women, Center for Constitutional Rights, Planned Parenthood, Ultraviolet, and many others.
This week I saw the Broadway musical “Suffs”. You may recall that some Suffragists, led by Alice Paul, chained themselves to the White House fence, were arrested, went on a hunger strike and were force fed by the prison guards. We are not asking you do to anything like this!
But please let us know if you will join us in this rally! (Appropriate privacy measures will be taken.)
by Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network | Dec 5, 2024 | Issues, Women's Rights
We are writing today about an issue of utmost importance that also has a critical deadline. It’s about the chance to finally make the Equal Rights Amendment officially recognized as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The only thing keeping this from happening is a directive from President Biden to the U.S. Archivist to certify and publish the ERA.
Here is a link to a joint letter from WLGAN and the National Association of Women Lawyers, urging him to do so immediately while he still has this opportunity. We are on solid legal ground here, as the Amendment has been ratified by Congress and the requisite number of States. Opponents have erected numerous hurdles to the ERA for more than 100 years. Now is the time for bold action. While we recognize that ultimately this issue will be decided by the courts, it is far better to be fighting from a position of strength.
Recently, 46 Senators, led by Senator Kristin Gillibrand, sent a letter to President Biden seeking the same action we are asking for here. She was the Keynote Speaker at a Town Hall Tuesday night, and her message could not have been clearer. IT IS TIME TO MAKE EACH OF OUR VOICES HEARD. The more voices, the better. The website offers multiple avenues – letter, phone and text — to contact President Biden and urge him to publish the ERA. You can also sign a petition and post to social media.
We have only 45 days left to make this happen. Join us. Let everyone hear your voice and ask others to do the same. Let’s help make it a reality.
Corrine Parver
Cory Amron
Lorelie Masters
Elaine Metlin