Our Issues - Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network
Women Lawyers On Guard is a national non-partisan organization harnessing the power of lawyers and the law in coordination with other organizations to preserve, protect, and defend the democratic values of equality, justice, and opportunity for all.
Soccer Star’s Powerful Graduation Remarks
Abby Wambach's Barnard graduation remarks will inspire us all: Greetings to President Beilock, Barnard faculty, trustees, and honorees:...
Illinois Approves Equal Rights Amendment
Illinois has recently ratified the Equal Rights Amendment -- 36 years after the deadline! Still, we are crossing our fingers for one more state so...
Using #OurVoices in the #MeToo World: Tina Tchen on Changing Law Firm Culture
Women Lawyers On Guard is co-sponsoring, with the Women’s Bar Association of DC, a program on sexual harassment and Changing Law firm Culture....
Dovey Roundtree: A “barrier-breaking lawyer”
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/21/obituaries/dovey-johnson-roundtree-dead.html Women Lawyers On Guard is inspired by Dovey Johnson Roundtree, who...
Where is the #MeToo movement in the legal profession?
A Minnesota lawyer has advice for firms on the law and best practices to guard against workplace harassment:...
New Yorker piece analyzes wave of female midterm candidates
The WLG Action Network found this analysis by the New Yorker of female candidates running in 2018 midterm elections to be fascinating, and wanted to...