New data points to increase in female activism

New data demonstrate that young women now report greater political engagement and participation than young men. As the Brookings Institution notes, “[t]his may be the first time in American history that an entire cohort of young women reports greater political engagement than their male peers. If so, this could presage a new wave of female activism that shifts the course of our politics in the 2018 mid-term elections and beyond.” Read more here:

Data point to a new wave of female political activism that could shift the course of US politics

Amicus Brief Joined by WLG Helps Sway Judge to Issue PI Against Contraceptive Restricting Rules

On December 6, 2017, Women Lawyers on Guard joined 16 professional, labor, and student associations in support of motion for a preliminary injunction in California v. Hargan to halt implementation of the Trump administration’s Religious Exemption Rule and the Moral Exception Rule (the “Rules”), and we are pleased to report that the motion was granted!  These Rules allow employers to assert conscience-based objections to the contraceptive mandate provided under the Women’s Health Amendment to the Affordable Care Act.  If implemented, the Rules could cause hundreds of thousands of women to lose contraceptive coverage. The court referenced our brief to illustrate the harm caused by a potentially large number of employers opting out of providing their employees’ coverage under the rules.

The amicus brief described how seamless, no-cost contraception is essential to women’s equality and advancement.  The brief focused on the irreparable harm that would result from the implementation of the Rules, and the public interest in granting the injunction.  The brief discussed the number of women who might lose access to contraception under the Rules and described the high number of women who use contraception and whose employers will likely to refuse contraceptive coverage under the Rules.  The brief detailed the nearly half a million women working at hospitals, the tens of thousands of college students, the thousands of employees of religiously affiliated non-profits, and the hundreds of thousands of employees of non-religiously affiliated private employers who may lose coverage because of these Rules.

Women Lawyers On Guard Applauds the Women of #MeToo and Time Magazine

Women Lawyers On Guard is inspired by Time’s Person of the Year: the Silence Breakers, who gave a national voice to survivors of sexual assault and launched a movement to force a public conversation on sexual misconduct. Once the floodgates were open, droves of courageous women came forward to share their stories of assault and harassment in entertainment, media, tech, politics, and a host of other industries. Read the article here:

Women in law firms: McKinsey reports

McKinsey’s new report on women in law firms is discouraging. It is clear that much more work needs to be done for women to achieve equal status at firms. Findings include:

  • Only 19 percent of equity partners are women
  • Women are 29 percent less likely to reach the first level of partnership than are men
  • Law firms face higher attrition among women than men at the equity partner level
  • The gender gap is much is much wider in law firms than in other industries
  • Women of color face an even steeper climb, with their representation dropping significantly at all levels in the pipeline
  • Female attorneys perceive less commitment to gender equality and a more uneven playing field at law firms than their male colleagues

Read the full report here: