Helping Non Profits' Legal Needs

What We Do: Women Lawyers On Guard* assists nonprofits who have similar missions. We are a network of experienced attorneys and other professionals available to provide pro-bono assistance to new and established organizations that share our mission and values.

We also take public positions on important legal issues and encourage our members to run for office. Our members also assist organizations through their substantial networks.

Non-Profits: If your non-profit has a need for legal assistance – research, legal advice, litigation, legislation analysis, corporate organization, vetting research, etc. please Contact Us and describe the issue and context, your organization’s name, website and a point of contact.  We will get back to you with any questions.  If we have no questions, or if we resolve them with you, we will post your issue (without mentioning the organization) to our members. When we receive volunteers, we will inform them of your organization and will connect you directly to volunteers who respond to that issue. We would appreciate follow up from you on how the project is progressing.

What WLG Has Already Achieved

  • To date, WLG has matched attorneys who have provided pro-bono legal services to the National Women’s Law Center, the International Refugee Assistance Project, The Women’s March, Indivisible (national), the ACLU, the American Constitutional Society for Law and Policy, and Flippable, among others.
  • Our members have addressed a myriad of legal issues including: first amendment analyses, organization of 501(c)(3) entities, secure data gathering and online privacy practices, health care legislation, immigration, trademark analyses, and nominee vetting research.
  • We have written Congress to bring pertinent issues to their attention.
  • We have disseminated Op-Eds through various media.
  • We have held and co-sponsored events.

By providing the contact information of potential volunteers to organizations requesting legal services, or by performing any other services, providing any communications or material, neither Women Lawyers On Guard Inc. nor Women Lawyers On Guard Action Network, Inc. (collectively “WLG”) guaranty or endorse the volunteer or his or her service, legal ability, competency or malpractice insurance, nor do we guaranty WLG’s other services, communications or material, nor is WLG providing legal advice. WLG shall not be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, professional liability, special, incidental or consequential) arising out of or in connection with such volunteers’ services or other services or communications or material provided by WLG or the volunteers, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.